Gravesite find a grave
Gravesite find a grave

gravesite find a grave

conducts ground penetrating radar surveys for locating unmarked gravesites and confirming marked gravesites at cemeteries. Locations of both marked and unmarked graves, the center axis and length, were marked on the ground with orange paint by GeoModel, Inc. confirmed gravesites marked with headstones and footstones, and also located unmarked gravesites with minimal or no headstones. operator pulling a 400-MHz antenna in a cemetery (above left) and using the GPR survey cart (above right). The pictures below show some of the equipment used in a survey and the results that can be obtained. Ground penetrating radar surveys for locating graves can be conducted by one person, hand-towing the antenna. GPR surveys for locating graves are efficiently conducted. A 400-MHz antenna can examine the subsurface to depths of up to 8 feet in sandy soils, but less deep in clayey soils as shown in the profile above. conducts GPR surveys for locating graves using a GPR digital control unit and an antenna with a frequency of 400-megaHertz (MHz). can examine the GPR data for disturbed soil, grave trenches, or other indications of the burial. In cases where a vault or casket does not exist, or where the casket has completely deteriorated, GeoModel, Inc. Remains of burials are easier to locate in sandy soils that do not contain tree roots or stones. Older graves (50 to 100 years old or more) produce less distinct or minimal anomalies and are more difficult to detect. Recent internments (1 to 50 years old) produce very distinct grave anomalies in the GPR profile and are most easily detected. Ground penetrating radar is operated above the ground surface, and produces a cross-sectional image of the ground, as shown below. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) surveys are useful for locating graves by detecting the buried casket or vault.

gravesite find a grave

survey crew can cover large areas in a day depending on the terrain and vegetation cover. uses ground penetrating radar (GPR) for locating graves (marked and unmarked) quickly and efficiently. is registered with the FCC and uses only FCC-approved GPR equipment

#Gravesite find a grave professional

All surveys are conducted or supervised by Certified Professional Geologists (PG)

Gravesite find a grave